#Callnote lag how to
The different approaches, in my opinion, have less to do at this time with formal political line (self-determination, the need for a communist party, etc.) than with how to develop and apply these concepts to the united front or to other mass work. Inside the CPML, many of these different approaches exist. However, while the CPML does not divide the movement into “trends” or “camps,” we do think there are different ways to approach our tasks today. We do not believe that an “opportunist” and a “correct” wing exist at this time. There is unevenness in the unity process, but we think the class and national struggle and the menacing international situation today demand the strongest efforts toward ridding each organization of sectarianism and promoting the spirit of compromise within the struggle for principled unity.ĭiscussions in our Interim Political Committee concerning unity of M-Ls have sharply criticized any view that two “trends” or “camps” currently exist in the M-L movement. We are currently having discussions with several M-L organizations, including LRS, on ways to unite in a single party. The CPML sees the conditions for uniting M-Ls as more favorable than ever. The Call: Mae Ngai asserted that you divided the M-L movement into two “trends” and said, “The view put forward in Martin’s article will result in a split in the M-L movement.” Do you think the divisions in the M-L movement are irreconcilable or that a split is inevitable? To further clarify Martin’s views and to aid in building unity, Martin answered a few questions put to him by The Call. Please credit the Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line as your source, include the url to this work, and note any of the transcribers, editors & proofreaders above.Ĭall Note: An article by Mae Ngai in last month’s UNITY, published by the League of Revolutionary Struggle, raised criticisms about the John Martin article, “The Crisis in Marxism and M-L Unity” in last month’s Call.

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Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul SabaĬopyright: This work is in the Public Domain under the Creative Commons Common Deed. Martin responds to LRS: Joint practice and discussion key to M-L unityįirst Published: The Call, Vol. Joint practice and discussion key to M-L unity Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line