pls or plz - please (“Can I borrow your computer pls?”).pita - pain in the a** (“Studying for finals is a pita.”).peeps - people (“Hey peeps! Going out l8r?”).msg - message (“Msg me later if you want more details.”).lmk - let me know (“Lmk if you can bring anything tonight.”).l8r - later (“The fireworks show isn’t till l8r.”).j2lyk - just to let you know (“J2lyk, I can’t make it tonight.”).irl - in real life (“We should meet up irl!”).iow - in other words (“Iow, Shawn isn’t coming tonight.”).

imo/imho - in my opinion/in my humble opinion (“Imo, you should wear the red dress tonight.”).ima/imma/i'ma - I'm going to (“Ima see Derek tonight.”).im - instant message (“Im me if you have any questions.”).iirc - if I recall correctly (“The meeting starts at 8 iirc.”).icymi - in case you missed it (“Icymi, Joan broke up with her husband.”).

gr8 - great (“Gr8 news! I got the promotion!”).gas - got a second? (“Gas? I’ve got a question.”).gab - getting a beer (“Want to hang out and gab?”).g4i - go for it (“There’s a job opening there.dnbl8 - don't be late (“Concert starts at 7, dnbl8!”).dm - direct message (“DM me the details later.”).csl - can't stop laughing (“That video’s so funny, I csl!”).btw - by the way (“Btw, can I borrow the car?”).btdt - been there done that (“I don’t want to go to the club.bif - before I forget (“Bif – are you coming tomorrow?”).bff - best friend forever (“My bff told me about the party.”).bf/gf - boyfriend/ girlfriend (“Did Lily break up with her bf?”).b/c or bc or bcoz - because (“I can’t come bc I have to babysit.”).b4 - before (“Let’s meet up b4 the concert.”).atm - at the moment (“ I’m not sure where Vita is atm.”).asap - as soon as possible (“Please let me know ASAP.”).afk - away from keyboard (“I’m afk right now.”).adbb - all done, bye bye (“Joe and his gf are adbb.”).