
Dunno text emoji
Dunno text emoji

pls or plz - please (“Can I borrow your computer pls?”).pita - pain in the a** (“Studying for finals is a pita.”).peeps - people (“Hey peeps! Going out l8r?”).msg - message (“Msg me later if you want more details.”).lmk - let me know (“Lmk if you can bring anything tonight.”).l8r - later (“The fireworks show isn’t till l8r.”).j2lyk - just to let you know (“J2lyk, I can’t make it tonight.”).irl - in real life (“We should meet up irl!”).iow - in other words (“Iow, Shawn isn’t coming tonight.”).

dunno text emoji

imo/imho - in my opinion/in my humble opinion (“Imo, you should wear the red dress tonight.”).ima/imma/i'ma - I'm going to (“Ima see Derek tonight.”).im - instant message (“Im me if you have any questions.”).iirc - if I recall correctly (“The meeting starts at 8 iirc.”).icymi - in case you missed it (“Icymi, Joan broke up with her husband.”).

dunno text emoji

gr8 - great (“Gr8 news! I got the promotion!”).gas - got a second? (“Gas? I’ve got a question.”).gab - getting a beer (“Want to hang out and gab?”).g4i - go for it (“There’s a job opening there.dnbl8 - don't be late (“Concert starts at 7, dnbl8!”).dm - direct message (“DM me the details later.”).csl - can't stop laughing (“That video’s so funny, I csl!”).btw - by the way (“Btw, can I borrow the car?”).btdt - been there done that (“I don’t want to go to the club.bif - before I forget (“Bif – are you coming tomorrow?”).bff - best friend forever (“My bff told me about the party.”).bf/gf - boyfriend/ girlfriend (“Did Lily break up with her bf?”).b/c or bc or bcoz - because (“I can’t come bc I have to babysit.”).b4 - before (“Let’s meet up b4 the concert.”).atm - at the moment (“ I’m not sure where Vita is atm.”).asap - as soon as possible (“Please let me know ASAP.”).afk - away from keyboard (“I’m afk right now.”).adbb - all done, bye bye (“Joe and his gf are adbb.”).

dunno text emoji

  • abt - about (“I heard abt your new job!”).
  • a3 - anytime, anywhere, anyplace (“I can meet a3”).
  • 8 - ate (“I don’t want pizza, I 8 that last night.”).
  • 2g2bt - too good to be true (“UR 2g2bt!”).
  • 2 - two/too/to (“I work til 2.” “Me 2.
  • Each has an example in parentheses that uses correct capitalization and punctuation, but remember that proper grammar can make you sound more formal than needed when texting. Take note of this list of common texting abbreviations and their meanings. They can make your message more concise without losing understanding. If you’re trying to write long sentences quickly, you'll want to consider abbreviations.

    Dunno text emoji